Conflict Resolution Through Storytelling

Every conflict has a story to tell. Are you telling yours?

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Storytelling is a tool you can use to make conflict work for you, rather than against you. If you find conflict confusing, intimidating, or difficult to handle, tell it as a story – a story that both explains your past and predicts your future. After all, conflict isn’t just about where you’ve come from, it’s about where you’re going. But a good story doesn’t just tell the facts, it explains why they are important. Conflict is about making decisions, and when you understanding what brought you to today and why it matters to you (and others), then you can make decisions about what to do next with confidence.

The Conflict Resolution Through Storytelling workshop is broken into six parts: 1) conflict decision-making, 2) value, 3) circumstances, 4) actions, 5) process, and 6) execution.